

Reaching loganville and beyond

"God is pursuing with omnipotent passion. A worldwide purpose of gathering joyful worshipers for Himself from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. He has an inexhaustible enthusiasm for the supremacy of His name among the nations. Therefore, let us bring our affections into line with His, and, for the sake of His name, let us renounce the quest for worldly comforts and join His global purpose."

— John Piper



Faith in Serving Humanity (F.I.S.H.) is a Christian outreach ministry sponsored by various churches in Walton County. We provide a low cost thrift, healthcare, and other basics necessities to those in need.


Mike and Terrill Esposito

Mike and Terrill are missionaries who have served with Youth With A Mission work in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico for over 20 years and have distributed thousands of tracts and hundreds of Bibles since then. They developed a partnership with a local church there and over the years have built many churches and helped plant four others. They are in the process of building a children’s home that will be used as a school, library, after school tutoring and drop in center to assist the single parent with the education and care of their children. Mike also travels around the world teaching at mission centers, discipleship schools and churches on the subjects of the Holy Spirit, evangelism and hearing the voice of God.  Mike and Terrill have two children who also serve the Lord.

Richie and Holly Valette

The Valettes are a missionary family that we support who are serving in the Dominican Republic. They have been developing a local Church where they are and it is time for those they have raised up to take over. Now they are in the process of reaching out into the sports ministry. Richie has already started as baseball Chaplin and is looking to start one for soccer and basketball. Their heart is to have a strong ministry and church for those in sports.

The Cross Loganville

Where Your Story Matters
