Jesus is seeking a relationship with each one of us. As we get to know Him we want to express our love to Him more and more. One of the ways we do this is through corporate worship. This involves singing songs together about how much He loves us and what He has done to make a way for us to heaven. We also sing straight to Him in an effort to bless Him. The Father loves to hear His children sing.
The Cross Worship family strives to create an environment that invites the Christ follower to let go and for the lost to meet Jesus. We are a bunch of ragamuffin musicians who love the Lord and want to go deeper. Any worship gathering is an invitation to come along with us. Your voice is a unique instrument that only you can use for His Glory. Sing to your King. Bless the One who has set you free. Make Him known where ever you go.
We are a 100% volunteer band. If you are interested in volunteering for the worship team, please read through the following statements to understand how we operate.
1. We are a worship family not a team. We function
a lot like a small group, caring for one another
and pushing each other to go deeper with Christ.
This is our church. We serve here and give here.
2. There are a few different stages and rooms where
music is needed every Sunday and none is
greater than the other. A willingness to serve
where you are needed is a must.
3. You must be willing to be a student of your
instrument and at the same time be willing to
mentor someone. We are always looking to find
someone who might be able to replace us. Our
worship family is “Open Handed” meaning we are
making room for others to be involved.
4. Each of us must have a thriving and active
relationship with Jesus. Standing on any stage
is a leadership role and people will look to you as
an example. The unity of the Spirit within our
worship family is vital.
5. Playing/Singing in front of anyone here must be
viewed as servanthood. We want everyone to
move forward.
6. This is a time consuming area to volunteer. When
you say you can play on a Sunday, you are letting
me know that you are not only available to
practice on Tuesday and play Sunday morning,
but also that you will have time that week to
prepare individually. Not only musically but also
7. We keep the bar high on musicality, heart, and
the skill of our team. We believe that our people
must be pursuing an authentic relationship with
God and also striving for excellence in their
musical skill.
8. With grace and a willingness to learn, we
communicate honestly with one another. We
choose to be difficult to offend. We honor the
direction of our leaders and talk through things in
a productive and redemptive manner.
If after reading through this you would be interested in volunteering for the worship team, please email nic@thecrossloganville.org